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(q 1840) - DIFFICULTY: E

updated 05.08.2008

INFO: Refuge tel. +39-0171-978382 - Refuge keeper tel. +39-340-2240558 -
Refuge is open on weekends from March to June everyday in the summer (from mid of June); 80 beds are available, plus 12 ones in the shelter area. For further info, please contact refuge keeper.
This easy hike requires an average training considerating the 650 m. elevation gain (2 - 2.30 hours hike)

HIKES FROM THE REFUGE. From this refuge you can hike to the Colle della Finestra (at 2471 m. - 2 hours - EE); Punta di Fenestrelle (at 2701 m. - 3 hours - EE). The area offers many climbs (graded from F to PD), such as climbs to Monte Gelas, and also hikes to various refuges (Genova, Federici Marchesini, Refuge de Fenestre and Refuge de Cogourd). Several ski climbs are possible too.

Drive/Approach: From Cuneo drive to Borgo S.Dalmazzo on route SS 20 (alternatively, from Mondovì toll booth drive up to Cuneo, passing through Pianfei and Peveragno and then Borgo S.Dalmazzo); turn right, taking the road leading to Gesso valley. At the fork beyond Valdieri, take left to Entracque and just after the fork, turn right to S.Giacomo di Entracque (1213 m.). Parking is allowed on the wide stretch just downhill from S.Giacomo (tourist sign) or in the parking area after crossing the bridge.

Hikes: From S.Giacomo di Entracque (1213 m.) climb up the dirt road (cars are not allowed) through the beech wood; pass alongside the beautiful waterfall of the Gesso della Barra stream and continue southwards slightly uphill: the path goes into the Gesso della Barra deep valley passing near the Gias Cuccetta (m.1328) and gaining the Gias Sterpis Sottano. Just above there is the Garb della Siula plateau (m. 1450 - 1 hour from car park). Here the GTA trail begins climbing up sharply: follow the path ahead, ignoring the branch leading to Gias della Siula, cross the Vallone della Cagna stream and reach the Peirastreccia Pass (bottleneck at m. 1630). Continue into a rocky hollow, go over some right hairpin bends leading uphill trough big boulders (spring) and reach a grassy plateau (Pian del Paiet: how many rock whistlers!!!). Cross the stream on a wooden bridge and approach the refuge following a wide hairpin bend (GTA trail, 1h30m, 2h30m from the car park).
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